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"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." - Titus 2:11

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Christmas B.C.

I once heard a preacher who gave a profound concept about Christmas. He said “Time can not wither Christmas because it belongs to eternity.” This statement is true to me in two ways. First is that Christmas can not be outdated. We all know that time and history were divided into B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini) meaning “in the year of our Lord.” This proven fact made Christ the center of the past, present, and future history of the world and we can’t deny the truth that everything about Christ including His birth is “His Story.” Second is that Christmas originated from our eternal God. Christ’s coming into this world was not man’s idea. God in His mind planned it even before the world begun. The prophecies of old pointed out that Christ existed from all eternity even before Christmas.

Did you know that if you listen closely, you can hear the sounds of Christmas in the Old Testament? Written over a 1,000 year period, the Old Testament contains several hundred references to the coming existed long before Bethlehem. Jesus the man came into being with His conception in Mary’s womb but Christ the Son of God existed from all eternity.

It is my prayer that our series this season will not only encourage us to look at several key Old Testaments passages that link the prophecy of Christ’s birth with the events of the Christmas, but will also help us understand who Jesus is and why His coming is so important.

Our theme this December does not only convey the truth that Christmas is B.C. (Before Christ) but also my way of greeting you in advance – Have a B.C., a Blessed Christmas!

Nearly two thousand years ago, there was a man whose name is Jesus Christ, who was born contrary to the natural laws of life. Despite Jesus’ obscure background, His life has changed the course of history. History is marked by His coming: B.C. – before Christ, and A.D. – anno domini (in the year of our Lord). Indeed, history is His Story.


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